

例文011 Paul Cezanne is now regarded as one of the most important painters of the twentieth century and the father of modern art. However, for most of his life, his paintings were rather slighted and thought of as naive. 1 Paul Cezanne is …


例文009 Already in the sixteenth century the first Christian missionary to Japan, St. Francis Xavier, remarked on the inquisitiveness of the people in his letters home. This is still true of the people of Japan today. 1 Already in the sixt…


例文005 Conversation is an art and like all arts, it is improved by experience and practice. Experience is very important, for the greatest obstacle to good conversation is shyness. 1 Conversation is an art and like all arts, it is improve…

例文003 There is in mans makeup a general aggressive tendency but this, like all other human urges, is not a specific and unvarying instinct. 1 There is in mans makeup a general aggressive tendency but this, like all other human urges, is …

vimrcの作成 (windows 10)

vimrcの作成 前提条件 vimがインストールされていること。 vimのパスが環境変数Pathに設定されていること。 流れ ファイルパスの確認 vimrcファイルの作成 作成後の確認 手順 ファイルパスの確認 powershellを起動。 コマンドを実行。 vim --version | Selec…

デスクトップ アイコンの追加 (Windows 10)

アイコンの追加 Windows 10のデスクトップにアイコンを追加する。 手順 デスクトップ上で右クリック → [個人用設定] [テーマ]を押す。 [デスクトップ アイコンの設定]を押す。 追加したいアイコンを選択。 [適用]を押す。 追加されている。


例文002 Life on earth began in water, billions of years ago, and water sustains all life today. It cycles about endlessly, from rain to streams, from streams to rivers and from rivers to the seas. Sea water rises to the atmosphere as water…


例文001 Every living thing exists in a particular place, and that place has certain conditions. Some fish live in fresh-water, and others live in salt-water. 1 Every living thing exists in a particular place, and that place has certain con…